Update: SBN Inspect+ (Business)

Update: SBN Inspect+  (Business)

Update: SBN Inspect+ (Business)

SBN Inspect+ 2.6.4

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 2.5.9 -> 2.6.4 (iTunes)


The SBN Inspect Pro mobile application is a powerful, user-friendly tool that provides you with the ability to access your SBN inspection and audit data real-time while in the field.

Existing SBN inspection software users can utilize the SBN Inspect mobile tool to capture and submit new inspection results, including checklist responses, scoring, risk assessments, notes, voice dictation, and photos while at the job site. You may also create formatted inspection reports real-time, retrieve previously completed audit results, or update corrective actions while on-site.
The SBN Inspect mobile tool functions only for users with an existing Simple But Needed, Inc. account.

What’s New

Updates Signature capture library.

SBN Inspect+

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