Update: Tamween.online (Business)

Update: Tamween.online  (Business)

Update: Tamween.online (Business)

Tamween.online 3.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 2.8 -> 3.2 (iTunes)


Tamween is a software platform catering to b2b needs of Suppliers and Retailers. Tamween centralizes and harmonizes all the marketing and technical information for product listings, product features and product catalogues for Suppliers, helping them reach Retailers quickly and easily. Here Supplier can quickly build their online store and reach the Retailer without revealing their price list.

The innovative approach we designed will help both Supplier and Retailer. Supplier will be having their online stores; Retailer can quickly visit the store and place the order. Beauty of the application is the order processing where Supplier can offer their best deal individually to a Retailer and a Retailer will get the best bargain.

We developed the application which is simple to use and easy to get started. The application manages end to end flow by helping not only in the order processing but also in order tracking and delivery tracking.

Tamween application helps Suppliers to manage their stock and have all kinds of reports that help in managing their administrative work without any additional cost on retailers. While ithelps on reduction the operation cost for suppliers clearly in conformity with their work.

Tamween application designed on the philosophy use it from anywhere and anytime that high impact helps the user to accomplish daily task whatever it was and acquire the reports also that helps him to facilitate his work.

What’s New

Bug fixes and performance improvement


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