Wartide Heroes of Atlantis 1.13.6 Apk + Mod (Energy) for Android

Wartide Heroes of Atlantis 1.13.6 Apk + Mod (Energy) for Android

Wartide Heroes of Atlantis 1.13.6 Apk + Mod (Energy) for Android


Wartide Heroes of Atlantis

Wartide: Heroes of Atlantis introduces the unique and highly strategic deployment battle system. Arrange your armies to out-maneuver your opponents and then take control of your heroes in order to unleash powerful abilities to finish them off.

Summon your heroes, from legendary warriors to mystical sorcerers, assemble your armies, and reclaim the long-lost kingdom of Atlantis. Defend your Citadel from attacks, do battle online against leaders from around the world, and forge powerful Alliances to destroy your common enemies.

● Enter the unique fantasy setting of New Atlantis
● Harness powerful heroes and sorcery to crush your opponents

● Form armies from a roster of powerful heroes and troops
● Devise brilliant deployment strategies from countless combinations of teams
● Win battles to promote your heroes and unlock fantastic new abilities
● Battle with players worldwide and improve your reputation
● Join together with other players to form the ultimate alliance

Please Note: Wartide: Heroes of Atlantis is a free-to-play game, but some extra game items can be purchased for real money. You can disable in-app purchases in your device's settings.


Wartide Heroes of Atlantis Apk

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