Whisky Suggest (Food & Drink)

Whisky Suggest (Food & Drink)

Whisky Suggest (Food & Drink)

Scan a bottle, see the flavours.

Discover the world's most accurate whisky flavour profiles. Use the barcode scanner to easily find out what a whisky tastes like and get personalized whisky recommendations.

"A gift from heaven for whiskey lovers" – Playboy Magazine
"The best whiskey suggestion site" – AskMen.com

By analysing well over 95,000 whisky reviews and tasting notes, WhiskySuggest has created unique and highly detailed Flavour Profiles. Use these flavour profiles to:
-Find whiskies by flavour. We have over 250 flavours to choose from.

-Find whisky that is similar to whiskies you like.
-Browse through our inventory of 40,000+ whiskies.
-Scan a whisky barcode and get flavour information instantly.

WhiskySuggest allows you to easily find a salty and smoky whisky. Or perhaps you prefer a rye-spicy bourbon? Find whisky that is similar to both Glenfiddich 12 Year Old and The Glenlivet 12 Year Old within seconds. And use the barcode scanner to find out what a whisky tastes like (and what others think about it) when you're in a liquor store, or anywhere else.

But that's not all.
-Create your own personal whisky collection. Make it public or keep it private.
-Rate, review and save tasting notes of whiskies you have enjoyed (or hated!)
-Discover new whiskies and add them to your whisky wishlist
-Follow other users and browse through their collections
-Find whisky retailers that ship to your location very easily

-Contribute to the community by adding missing whiskies or whisky photos
-Unlock dozens of whisky and whiskey badges
-Get recommendations based on your personal preferences and whisky history.

Missing any features? Questions, feedback and feature requests are always welcome. You can contact at http://www.whiskysuggest.com/contact/

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What’s New

– Minor bug fixes and improvements
– iPhone X / 11 optimizations

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