App Shopper: EasyRoute (Healthcare & Fitness)

App Shopper: EasyRoute (Healthcare & Fitness)

App Shopper: EasyRoute (Healthcare & Fitness)

EasyRoute is a route planner for outdoor activities like running, biking and walking.
Simply tap the places you want to go along the way. It will follow roads and paths while also providing the freedom to route directly where you touch.

You can use EasyRoute for all of the following:

• Plan biking, running or walking routes while customizing them to be both enjoyable and safe. You can simply tap your start and destination points, or tap roads or paths you'd prefer to use along the way. You can drag the route to customize it as well.

• Let it guide you through the route on either iPhone or Apple Watch. It works equally well in the background so you can use it alongside any of the great workout tracking and analysis apps in the App Store, including the built-in workout app. (With an Apple Watch, you can also optionally record a workout to Health while following a route)

• Customize the directions by adding, editing or removing instructions.

• Share routes with others or export them to your bike computer -- works great with Wahoo ELEMNT ;)

• Enable iCloud to make routes on your iPad and sync them to your iPhone

There are still many more tweaks, improvements, features and enhancements planned.

Note if you go off the route while following it, EasyRoute will issue some simple guidance and provide the right instruction when you come back on, but it does not (yet) do full re-routing.

Thanks for reading this far down and considering this little app.

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What's New

Relaxes restriction on some hiking routes, allowing it to use more rugged paths.
Minor internal fixes







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