App Shopper: Exercise eVal (Business)

App Shopper: Exercise eVal (Business)

App Shopper: Exercise eVal (Business)

Note: This application may only be used by existing IAP Software™ users who have licensed the Exercise eVal module. Please contact The Response Group for licensing information.
eVal gives users the ability to electronically capture and monitor exercise evaluations in an intuitive interface. The app is divided into two main areas based on permissions: a Facilitator section and an Evaluator section.

Facilitators have the ability to:
• Create new exercise evaluations and define the exercise objectives using predefined or custom objectives
• Group the objectives into categories (e.g. NPREP, State-Specific, Company-Specific, Planning, Logistics, Initial Response, etc.)
• Setup Evaluators with individual logins and assign them objective categories
• Monitor the progress of all evaluators and see alerts when objectives are marked incomplete
• Summarize evaluations into a final printable report

Evaluators have the ability to:
• Easily view a list of assigned objectives with overall progress
• Filter objectives by category and/or completion
• Provide comments and supporting photos as evidence for each objective
• Submit evaluation to the facilitator when completed

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What's New

Fixed bugs with Evaluator Summary printouts







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