App Shopper: SmartInsight Mobile (Business)

App Shopper: SmartInsight Mobile (Business)

App Shopper: SmartInsight Mobile (Business)

SmartInsight is an online global construction network that helps subcontractors find more construction projects, get industry visibility, make contractor connections and get scored.
Claiming a free profile in SmartInsight, allows subcontractors to accomplish the following:
- Specify their company's information & get found by thousands of GC's based on their skills
- Search, connect & communicate with new contractors
- Send, receive & consolidate all connection, bid & prequal communications from integrated software like SmartBid
- Purchase advanced risk & credit reports on themselves or potential partners
- Quickly complete prequal & bid requests

With the SmartInsight mobile app, subs can also:
- Review and manage their profile from their phone
- Access their communications "on the go"
- Get notified when they receive a new communication or project opportunity
- Respond to project inquiries and connection requests

Download the SmartInsight app and join the fastest growing professional network in the construction industry!

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