Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk)

Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk)

Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk)

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Beggar Life

Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk) "A beggar themed Idle Game,
There hasn't been such Click/Tap game like this beggar before!

*What can tapping on the screen do for you? what's so special?""
*Get money!!! Wow~!!!*

◈ Increase the level of the CEO beggar!
Increasing the CEO beggars level increases gold per click(tap)!

◈ Hire a beggar part-timer!
Hire help to earn more money.
You can increase the capacity of the money you earn with the help of fashionista, rocker, artist, pianist, soccer player, scientist, doctor, judge, king, alien

◈ Purchase properties!
You can make more money by purchasing and selling properties

◈ Purchase artwork!
You can make more money by purchasing and selling art work

◈ Acquire companies and cities
Show the world your awesomeness by acquiring the mega corporates and cities

◈ Collect beggar cards!
All beggars have their unique stories. Twice as moving when you know the story!

◈ Tap the screen with your friends and family to become closer!
Go tell your loved ones..
Wanna play beggars?"
Beggar Life

Beggar Life

Beggar Life

Beggar Life

Beggar Life

Beggar Life

Click to get a lot of gold coins
Exit the re-entry to get a lot of potions.


Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk) – UPLOADED

Beggar Life v6.2.6 (Mod Apk) – DRIVE LINK

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