Dragon Warfare 8.0.0 Apk + Mod android

Dragon Warfare 8.0.0 Apk + Mod android

Dragon Warfare 8.0.0 Apk + Mod android

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare is a Strategy Game for android
download last version of King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare Apk + Mod for android from revdl with direct link

Get your armor on. 2016's most-anticipated real-time MMO has arrived! Raise your dragon and build your army in the quest to lift Excalibur and become the King. Taste power and victory while making friends and enemies along the way. Chat, help, trade and wage war with players around the globe. King Arthur's death has left an empty throne. Get ready to get medieval; the battle to conquer the kingdom has started!


◆ War! Everywhere. You and your allies need to be prepared. Build up your bases and bulk up your armies – you're not the only ones with eyes on the throne!
◆ Alliances! No man is an island. Whether you're rallying against a GvE Barbarian leader or marching at a PvP bully, you'll need allies you can trust.
◆ Dragons! A legendary weapon of mass destruction. How will you train yours?
◆ Chat! Easy-translation feature brings thousands of players from around the world together in realtime.
◆ Strategy! Get the edge through research and master devastating skills. Know when to be invisible and when to order an invasion!
◆ Building! Build the foundations of an Empire strong enough to survive in a dragon fire warzone!
◆ Epic Fantasy! The Camelot Legend lives. Awesome monsters and HD graphics to drool over.

PLEASE NOTE: King of Avalon is completely free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you do not want to use this feature, please select password protection for purchases in your Google Play Store app.

A network connection is also required.

Do you have what it takes to become the King?

Installation Guide:

1 – Extract the downloaded zip from Revdl

2 – Install and run SAI software (Download SAI)

3- In SAI software Click "Install Apks" and select the extracted folder in the popup window.

4 – At this point you should check the original game and split files – Check each file you see in the extracted folder and at then click on "SELECT" button to start the installation.

After installing and running the game on your device you will get original, official and universal version of the game without any manipulation and the tasks of "Connecting the game to Google Account" and "Google Play Update" and … without any errors. . We're also worried about this, but there is no other way for it, and we have to present the files in this way, and we hope so, you guys don't have any trouble running the game.

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare

Free direct download Android Games,Android latest version Apps,obb,pro,apk,mod,data.Mobile , device phone and Tablet
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