Dynamics 365 for phones (Business)

Dynamics 365 for phones (Business)

Dynamics 365 for phones (Business)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the essential business solution for busy professionals who need to engage with customers while staying productive at work and on the go. Arrive prepared for every appointment and update notes, tasks, and attachments – along with relevant service and sales records – while the details are still fresh.

Dynamics 365 provides salespeople, agents, and supervisors with the best tools for managing their data, and updating records and status both online and offline. A seamless set up experience enables you to configure the app once and deploy it everywhere – on mobile, desktop, or tablet.

·New look and feel with compact layouts and stacked elements, optimized to give essential info at a glance
·All-new Workspace, a personalized action hub to help you get to common tasks, suggestions and records quickly

·Enhanced note taking experience with seamless access to camera and other device capabilities
·Offline access with synchronization, so you can be productive on the go
·Access your activities, accounts, contacts, and leads from an easy-to-use home page
·Guided contextual business process
·Track progress for key performance indicators visually with charts
·Access your personalized views of lists and grids so that you see the data most important to you

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What’s New

• Bug fixes and performance improvements.

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