| With our latest update to Call Screen on Pixel devices in the US, the Google Assistant now helps you automatically screen unknown callers and filter out detected robocalls before your phone ever rings. And when it's not a robocall, your phone rings a few moments later with helpful context about who is calling and why.
| Improve your calling experience and call control by updating the Phone app for your Android 7.0 (Nougat) or newer device. You'll get Call Screen, Google Duo video calling, spam protection, and caller ID.
| CALL SCREEN Avoid unwanted calls - Screen spam, scams and other unwanted calls. Get real-time transcription and block unwanted callers so you never hear from them again. (Available in US English on Pixel devices)
| GOOGLE DUO VIDEO CALLS To make the highest quality one-to-one video call, simply tap from the call log, search, or contacts card. Easily switch a voice call to a Duo video call with Google Duo installed and activated.
| SPAM PROTECTION AND CALLER ID See warnings about potential spam callers and report suspicious calls to help protect the community from telemarketers, fraudsters, and spammers. Block numbers to prevent them calling you again.
| VISUAL VOICEMAIL Check your messages without having to call voicemail - view, playback and delete them right from the Phone app and download the audio to your device.
| MINI CALL VIEW Switching from a call shrinks the call screen so it can be moved while multitasking in other apps.
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