Hawaii Coloring Book 16Stories (Education)

Hawaii Coloring Book 16Stories (Education)

Hawaii Coloring Book 16Stories (Education)

Hawaii Adventure Coloring Book - Full brings all the magic, fun and adventure of Hawaii to the convenience of your iPad in this entertaining adventure coloring book application about Hawaii.

•Easy to use painting tools.
•Share your adventure with Facebook
•Live updates of your progress
•Complete adventures to collect your award

We hope you and your child enjoy the Hawaii Adventure Coloring Books.  We would love to hear your thoughts.

Please be sure to review our app, and you can email us at    


Hawaii Discovery University, and the Hawaii Adventure Coloring Book series -- delivered to the convenience of your mobile device — features a series of educational stories and adventures for anyone who wants a fun way to learn about Hawaii.

Other books by Hawaii Discovery University:
Hawaii Rainbow Colors - Coloring Book

Recommended Ages 6 - 8
Related Topics:  kids books, kids entertainment, education, reading, fun, kids travel apps, Hawaii games, Hawaii games kids, Hawaii kids apps


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