Life Simulator 1.24.1 Apk + Mod (Bitizenship) Android

Life Simulator 1.24.1 Apk + Mod (Bitizenship) Android

Life Simulator 1.24.1 Apk + Mod (Bitizenship) Android


BitLife - Life Simulator Mod

How will you live your BitLife?

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the love of your life, have kids, and pick up a good education along the way.

Or will you play choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, fall in love or go on adventures, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse. You choose your story…

Discover how bit by bit life choices can add up to determine your success in life the game.

Interactive story games have been around for years. But this is the first text life simulator to truly mash up and simulate adult life.


It's update time AGAIN, Bitizens! This MIND & BODY update is jam-packed with new content!
Here's the full list of new things in this update:
• Martial arts – rank up and learn special moves to use on your enemies!
• Special diets: become a vegan or go on a tapeworm diet!
• Read books to get smart fast
• Go on strolls…or speed walks!
• Gardening
• Brand new disease system with symptoms
• Emergency room
• Psychiatrist
• Free healthcare by country
• Interface tweaks & bug fixes

BitLife - Life Simulator Apk

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