Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money)

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money)

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money)

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Super Starfish

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money) Swim through the swirling cosmos as an interstellar Starfish. Bring life to your space aquarium by dodging meteors, black holes, quasars and more.

Super Starfish uses cutting-edge techniques to deliver amazing visual effects never seen before in mobile games. Be mesmerized by swirling ripples of colour as your Starfish soars across the galaxy.

Collect exotic flora and customise your very own space aquarium. Watch your Starplants grow as you create a home for your wondrous collection of Starfish.

• Simple, intuitive gameplay for everyone. Try it now!
• Explore the cosmos and discover mesmerising new zones!
• Master your swimming style and score huge combos!
• Customize and grow your very own aquarium in space!
• Over 30 colourful Starfish to collect and add to your aquarium. Can you find a super rare Starfish?
• Compete with your friends and share your discoveries!

Are you ready to become the next Fish Superstar?

"My go-to time killer game for the foreseeable future"
– TouchArcade.

"Super Starfish nails the action as well as the audiovisual fireworks"
– PocketGamer

"Collecting fish & learning about their real life inspirations really does it for me!"
– Texinis
Super Starfish

Super Starfish

Super Starfish

Super Starfish

Super Starfish

Super Starfish




Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money) – PCLOUD LINK

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money) – ZIPPYSHARE

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK

Super Starfish v2.2.3 (Mod Apk Money) – RACATY LINK

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