The Straits Times IN (News)

The Straits Times IN (News)

The Straits Times IN (News)

Young readers and teachers, get all the issues of The Straits Times IN curated in one easy-to-use app. Updated weekly with the latest current affairs analysis and hot trending topics by The Straits Times Schools team, you can access this award-winning library in a classroom-friendly e-reader to grab, store and download all the news you need to improve your English and boost your general knowledge.
- Download issues for offline reading
- "Clip" useful pages to add to your personal library for later reference
- Super-fast searches use keywords to get you what you need in real time
-"Star" issues to create a personal archive
- Tap on rich-media links that take you to other value-added resources; for example, video links
- Customise your app's look with multicoloured themes
- And specially for teachers: Tap IN's exclusive Teachers' Resources to help you create just-in-time learning activities

Have feedback on this app? Simply tap on "Feedback" inside our app to send a direct message to one of our friendly ST Schools editorial team :-) We look forward to hearing from you!

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