Young readers and teachers, get all the issues of The Straits Times IN curated in one easy-to-use app. Updated weekly with the latest current affairs analysis and hot trending topics by The Straits Times Schools team, you can access this award-winning library in a classroom-friendly e-reader to grab, store and download all the news you need to improve your English and boost your general knowledge. | Features - Download issues for offline reading
- "Clip" useful pages to add to your personal library for later reference - Super-fast searches use keywords to get you what you need in real time
-"Star" issues to create a personal archive - Tap on rich-media links that take you to other value-added resources; for example, video links - Customise your app's look with multicoloured themes - And specially for teachers: Tap IN's exclusive Teachers' Resources to help you create just-in-time learning activities
| Have feedback on this app? Simply tap on "Feedback" inside our app to send a direct message to one of our friendly ST Schools editorial team :-) We look forward to hearing from you!
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