wind forecast & marine weather v7.6.8 [Pro] Cracked APK is Here ! [Latest] wind forecast & marine weather v7.6.8 [Pro] Cracked APK is Here ! [Latest] wind forecast & marine weather v7.6.8 [Pro] Cracked APK is Here ! [Latest] wind forecast & marine weather 

Windy is a handy wind forecast app for extreme sports based on wind and other outdoor activities (SUP, fishing, bike, RC pilotage).

Now we decided to build micro community on spots to
exchange weather reports. If you want to be a local leader – send us the name of the spot and we will add chat there (on

You can see all weather data on one screen. You can see at a glance wind conditions for next ten days in Windy-bar or find more precise details in Windy-table.
Also check out our WOW-feature: animated wind map – it shows how the winds blow on the globe.

Design is our main passion. We are trying to show you wind in most beautiful way.

It is the must have app for:
– kitesurfing,
– windsurfing,
– snowkiting,
– yacht and sailing navigation,
– paragliding,
– skydiving,
– watching for hurricanes and storms,
– cycling – we have a lot of bicyclists,
– kayaking
– wakeboarding

Among our users Also we have drone pilots, wind power producers, crane operators, windy city normal people, golf players.

And very popular among fishermen – we still don't know why:) But we will develop the features for them too. What about sharing your catch on the lake?

Windy features:
☆animated wind radar – must have for sail and yachting and also for kiting in light wind. Normal people can relax and meditate watching animated wind.
☆ spot chat – now the guy withanemometer can write weather conditions in chat from kite spot
☆local wind forecast for the next 10 days with 3 hours step in knots / beaufort / mps (like windguru GFS27 from NOAA)
☆wind speed, wind gusts, temperature, (указать в чем показывается температура) cloud cover, precipitation (rain and snow)
☆ ocean waves (and sea)
☆over 30.000 spots sorted and located by the type and area
☆build your own spots map in favorites
☆track hurricanes and storms (Miami, Carolina etc.)
☆free nautical charts map

Why Windy:
– it's made by
wind-addicted as you

fresh and simple design makes it extremely beautiful
– the
only mobile app with riders chats that are realy will work and help to become a local on a spot faster

Windy roadmap:
– pressure, humidity and other weather parameters
– add actual data from weather stations (like in Windy for iOS)
– higher resolution and actual forecast (WRF, NAM, NOAA)
– forecast for newbies – enter your weight and kite sizes and we will tell you which one to take
– tides, water conditions (flat, chop and so on)
– private messaging and private chats for kiteboarding and windsurfing schools, kite repair and rental
– wind energy and blowing
– notifications and wind alerts for better conditions on favorite spots
– spot voting and ratio
– air pressure for fishing
– offline forecast for yachting
– hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons notifications

What's New:
  • Nearby weather at hand!
    Redesigned and upgraded for better performance weather widget in the app gives you fast access to the forecast nearby or in any location you specify.
  • Map scale
    Don't lose yourself! Map scale helps you to estimate the distance to spots and weather fronts… or just to get yourself out from the middle of the ocean
  • Clear look
    We tweaked colors for easy tracking of all details like light wind.
MOD Features:
  • Pro features unlocked.
How to Install ?
  1. Download the Cracked Apk from below Link
  2. Install it on your device
  3. Done, Enjoy
Screenshots - Wind, Wellen, Gezeiten (Free+, Google Play) →

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