Google Assistant Go 2.5.1 APK Download by Google LLC
• General bug fixes and improvements.
Use your voice to get directions to the nearest coffee shop, make calls hands free during your commute, and unwind by playing your favorite tunes. You personal Google is here to help. Ask your Google Assistant questions and get things done. Use it anytime, anywhere.
With the Google Assistant Go, you can:
• Make quick phone calls on the go ("Call Sameer")
• Play music ("Play some jazz on YouTube")
• Preview your upcoming events ("Tell me about my day")
• Weather information ("Do I need an umbrella today?")
• Answers ("How tall is Mount Everest?")
* You can quickly access the Google Assistant for Android (Go edition) by tapping on the Assistant app icon or long-pressing the home button on your phone running Android (Go edition).
* Certain features available on the Google Assistant for standard Android phones are currently not supported on the Google Assistant for Android (Go edition), such as reminders, controls for smart home devices, Actions on Google, and Device Actions.
* The Google Assistant for Android (Go edition) currently supports English.
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Google Assistant Go 2.5.1 APK Download by Google LLC
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