Grow Empire Rome 1.4.35 Apk + Mod Gold android

Grow Empire Rome 1.4.35 Apk + Mod Gold android

Grow Empire Rome 1.4.35 Apk + Mod Gold android


Grow Empire: Rome is a Strategy Game for android

download last version of Grow Empire: Rome Apk + Mod (A lot of Gold) for android from revdl with direct link

Grow Empire: Rome is a captivating game, mixing tower defense (TD) and strategy mechanisms with role playing (RPG) elements.
You are Caesar, mighty leader of the Roman republic, your objective is to defeat other civilizations in ancient Europe with an army made-up of roman soldiers, siege weapons, heroes and barbarian mercenaries. Be ready for War!

Turn a small republic in the heart of the Italian peninsula into the greatest civilization the world has ever seen. Lead a bunch of weak peasants into the fierceness of battle to turn them into invincible warriors.

Upgrade your stronghold to defend from the most fearful barbarian's clans and armies from Italy, Gallium, Carthage and Iberian peninsula. Conquer them to expand your dominions and see your nation wealth grows.

The glory is awaiting for you Caesar!
Veni Vidi Vici!


• Tower Defense (TD), Strategy and Role Playing (RPG) elements.
• +1400 waves to survive.
• +100 cities to conquer in ancient Europe.
• +1000 buildings upgrades.
• +35 different Roman troops to research and unlock.
• 4 European enemy factions, each with +12 different troops.
• Siege weapons and war elephants!
• 4 heroes with special skills.
• +18 Skills to unlock.
• Full free game, no In-Apps!

Grow Empire: Rome

Grow Empire: Rome

Grow Empire: Rome

Grow Empire: Rome

Grow Empire: Rome

Grow Empire: Rome


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