App Shopper: LifeTales (Photography)

App Shopper: LifeTales (Photography)

App Shopper: LifeTales (Photography)

LifeTales is the place for all your stories worth remembering — Travel, Child Journals, Memoirs, Family Gatherings, Relationships, Hobbies, Office stories, … each story privately shared with *just* the people you choose … archived in a private, safe environment.

More than just a photo album — add the narrative by text or audio — the story behind the pictures — the story that never made it into pictures — the intangibles.

That doesn't mean leaving your favorite social media — they can be great for quick pix and a lot of fun.

But LifeTales fills an important gap — it's for the rest of your story … or for private content. With our intimate environment and customized, story-by-story sharing control, you can share and preserve memories in a way most of us will just not do on public social media.


1. easy story creation
2. using any combination of text, pictures, video, audio — even audio captions on pictures
3. in any order (you can reorder pages any time too)

4. optionally adding to the story over time
5. optionally collaborating with others as co-Storytellers
6. each story shared with pinpoint control
7. Easily organized and preserved using Collections and Tags
8. hosted safely on our cloud servers, accessible anywhere
9. downloadable to your hard drive at any time for further safekeeping
10. via Collections and tags
10. All owned by you!


Our unique combination of features enable many uses that were not possible or were difficult previously. Here are two examples of Special Collections — Child Journals and Memoirs.

A unique ability for Parents to create a Child Journal, like a digital scrapbook but better.

In just minutes a week, give your future all-grown-up child a precious gift — the gift of their life story.

First moments, birthday parties or even just slices of everyday life — from the magical to the mundane. Preserve all the memorabilia of youth (with optional commentary): artwork, report cards, funny sayings to name a few. Add video selfies — from Mom, Dad and other loved ones, speaking directly to your future adult. Create a virtual time capsule!

This simply cannot reasonably be done in any other mainstream app!


Always important but never urgent! Do your own memoir or inspire a loved one to do theirs. You’ll all be glad you did!

With LifeTales, we've made what used to be a BIG PROJECT really easy to do.

Most people don't create Memoirs for many reasons, including "No one cares", "It's a lot of effort" and "What would I write about". Unfortunately, their stories are lost when they're gone — but by then it's too late.

LifeTales solves several problems related to motivation and content creation that stop most people.

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What’s New

Lots of great improvements in this update!

• Members with many stories will see a significant speed improvement, especially when viewing their “My Stories” and “Shared with Me” folders
• A much requested feature: Tap a friend’s avatar and see all stories you’ve shared with them. Slide a switch and also see all stories that friend shared with you
• Story sharing options have been made much more intuitive
• Story Copying options have been made more clear. Go ahead and try it out!
• On iPads, stories are now shown 3 per row, so you can more easily see and scroll through them
• Text pages can now be any length
• You can now also copy stories into Memoir Collections
• several minor bug fixes

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