App Shopper: Bible Cookies (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Bible Cookies (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Bible Cookies (Lifestyle)

Bible Cookies is a great and fun way to learn wisdom from God’s Word. Bible Cookies is fun for the whole family.

Now you can enjoy Bible Cookies on your Apple Watch 🙂

To open the “Bible Cookie” simply press or tap on the cookie and the cooke will open revealing a scripture from Proverbs.

To reset the cookie, simply shake the device.

* If you like this app, please write a review and also share this app with your friends. Thank you.

** If you are experiencing technical problems with this app, or if you have ideas on how to make this app better, please don’t write a review, but instead contact us by pressing the “App Support” button located in the Information screen.

Thank you.

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